
I L N Y 2

I almost forget to mention the cover of the last TimeOut.

Mary-Louise Parker staring at the camera, one arm over her belly and the other spread on the floor, which is covered with food wrappers. And the headline:

Stoned in the city
37 Summer activities that are better when you're baked

Gotta run. Summer's almost over.


Things I will hate

Which means I love them, most of them, and I'll stick to them because they're cheap, or because I have to, or whatever reason. Hence, I'll be sick of them in 10 months or less.

Turkey swiss cheese with a little mayo. On a hero. And a large coffe. Black, no sugar.

The J-School elevator (this one I hate already).

Having a roommate.

Being a roommate.

Speaking in English and writing in English and having a small accent that doesn't let them know that when they talk slang I just won't understand.

Williamsburg (my beat).

Snow (I'm thinking ahead).


Bills. All of them.

Being friendsick.

Having crushes (there's no time for that).
FALSE: What I will hate is the no-time part. But I'll work on it.


Viva el mestizaje!

A Briton told me I look Italian. A Mexican said I look from Mexico's farmlands. And a guy from Tel Aviv said I look Israelian. Maybe I'll quit journalism and start modeling for Benetton.



La primiparada (a perfect day)

Hoy llegué a mi nuevo cuarto. Tiene una vista espectacular sobre el Hudson, a la altura de la 109, y se ve el Washington Bridge por otra de las ventanas. Llevé mis cosas en el carro de mi hermano, aunque no eran muchas. Mientras fui hasta el décimo piso, J. Guerrero me puso un parte. Encima de esto, dejé las llaves adentro del cuarto y me gané la primera vaciada de la gente de seguridad porque me fui antes de que llegaran con el duplicado, a parquear el carro mejor. La vida es bella!!!!

Hace sol y mucho calor. El forecast de la semana dice que vamos a estar por los 30 grados celsuis. Me presenté al decano de estudiantes internacionales. Por armar charla le pregunté por la ropa adecuada para la 'international orientation' que empieza el miércoles. "Where are your socks?" me dijo mientras me miraba de arriba a abajo. Todavïa no sé si estaba mamamdo gallo...

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